链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1U9sPloBrZcsXDdnJZ4Wj7Q
乔玄品操 comment of QiaoXuan on CaoCao
曹公少时见乔玄,玄谓曰:“天下方乱,群雄虎争,拨而理之,非君乎?然君实乱世之英雄,治世之奸贼。恨吾老矣,不见君富贵,当以子孙相累。” Cao met QiaoXuan when young , Xuan spoke to him :" The country is just in chaos with so many aspirants disputing with each other. To marshal and reigh and the world , Arent you the only one ? And you are exactly the hero in the time of misfortune ,the arch-careeist in the time of peace.Even though I bemoan my old age , I cant wait for the moment you make your name and come up into the world ,or i would entrust my children to you,"
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