【Eleni- Haris Alexiou】
Zoume s’enan kosmo magiko
me fonto tin Akropoli, to Lykavitto
Gemata ta balkonia, politika aпdonia
Yposchesis ke agapes ke polychrona balonia
ki eftychismena chronia
Ki esy Eleni ke kathe Eleni
tis eparchias, tis Athinas kimomeni
I zoi sou, na to xeris, ine epikirygmeni
Na pethenis gia tin Ellada ine allo
ki allo ekini na se petheni
Ki esy Eleni ke kathe Eleni
tis eparchias, tis Athinas kimomeni
Zoume s’enan kosmo magiko
Ypochthonia doulevi me monadiko skopo
Na se basi sto pechnidi, ti zoi sou pos tha ftiaxi
Na sou taxi, na sou taxi tin psychi sou na rimaxi
Ki otan ftasi na elenchi tis elpidas sou ton pono
den tou ftani etouto mono
Me glykologa se perni ap’to cheri
Se vaftizi tis Elladas nikokyri
Ki eki pou les allaxane ta pragmata ke sikonis to potiri
Arpazi, klevi t’oniro sou ke tou kani charakiri
Ki esy Eleni...
We live in a magical world
With the Acropolis and Lykavittos Hill as a background.
The balconies are full of political nightingales,
Promises and love and multicolored balloons
For happy years.
And you, Eleni, and every Eleni
Sleeping Beauty of the provinces of Athens
Your life, you should know, is on the "wanted" list.
It's one thing to die for Greece,
And another to have Greece make you die.
And you, Eleni, and every Eleni
Sleeping Beauty of the provinces of Athens
We live in a magical world,
Which works deviously with the singular purpose
To get you into the game of believing your life will be fixed
To promise and promise, to ravage your soul
And when it reaches the point of controlling the pain of your hopes
It is not satisfied with only that
With sweet words it takes you by the hand
And baptizes you master of Greece
And at the moment you say things have changed and you raise your glass,
It snatches and steals your dream, and performs "harakiri" on it.
And you, Eleni....