
2025-03-10 00:45:22

原文:随着经济和社会的发展,中央空调在商业和民用建筑中的应用越来越广泛,中央空调是现代建筑中不可缺少的能耗运行系统。中央空调系统在给人们提供舒适的生活和工作环境的同时,又消耗掉了大量的能源。随着设备功率和数量的增加,其能耗也不断增大。据统计,我国建筑物能耗约占能源总消耗量的30%。在有中央空调的建筑物中,中央空调的能耗约占总能耗的 70%,而且呈逐年增长的趋势。因此,研究中央空调系统节能技术意义重大,除了强调使用功能完善外,还应重视节能因素,降低投资、运行费用。
英文翻译:With the economic and social development, central air-conditioning in commercial andcivil construction of more and more widely, central air-conditioning isindispensable in modern architecture operating system power consumption.Central air-conditioning system to provide comfort to people living and workingenvironment, while also consuming a lot of energy. With the equipment, powerand increase in the number of its energy consumption has continued to grow.According to statistics, China'sbuilding energy consumption accounts for about 30% of the total energyconsumption. In buildings with central air-conditioning, centralair-conditioning energy consumption accounts for about 70% of the total energyconsumption, but also showed an upward trend year by year . Therefore, thestudy central air-conditioning system energy-saving technology is of greatsignificance, in addition to emphasizing the use of fully functional, it shouldalso attach importance to energy saving, lower investment and running costs.


空调即空气调节(air conditioner),是指用人工手段,对建筑/构筑物内环境空气的温度、湿度、洁净度、速度等参数进行调节和控制的过程。一般包括冷源/热源设备,冷热介质输配系统,末端装置等几大部分和其他辅助设备。
Air conditioner is air conditioning (air conditioner), refers to the use of artificial means of regulation and control, the process of building / to build the environment of air in the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, speed and other parameters. Generally includes the source of cold / heat source equipment, hot and cold medium transmission and distribution system, terminal device such as a few parts and other auxiliary equipment.