Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2008) Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts is tempered by the fact there is a war going on all around him - a war in which he must eventually either win or die. Dumbledore takes it upon himself to show Harry a partial history of Thomas Riddle, and in doing so discloses the secret to the Dark Lord's immortality. Meanwhile, Harry has discovered a battered potions textbook, filled with the notes of a wizard calling himself the 'Half-Blood Prince'. Against Hermione's warnings, he begins to rely on the book, and the spells on the pages within... The war goes on, though, and explodes onto the home front in the worst way imaginable. The beginning of the end has come. 哈利在德思礼的家里,焦急地等待校长的来访,邓布利多带他到一个神秘的地方,告诉他和哈瑞斯制服伏地魔的方法。在魔法学校,哈利、罗恩和赫敏继续着三人小组的学习;斯内普教授仍时不时找哈利的麻烦。 在一次课上,哈利和赫敏无意中发现了一本奇书,书上每页都有混血王子详细的手写注释,繁重的功课让哈利没时间研究此书,但在关键时刻这本书总能带给他好运。 圣诞节后,罗恩度过了一个并不愉快但却十分新奇的生日。这时,伏地魔出现了,这次他竟然杀死了海格的宠物阿拉格格,小伙伴们为这只蜘蛛举办了盛大的葬礼。 邓布利多终于发现斯内普已受到伏地魔的控制,并告诉哈利要他设法保护每一个斯内普不喜欢的孩子。邓布利多与哈利来到一个洞中。就在这个洞中,邓布利多受重伤,正在此时斯内普突然出现,竟用魔杖将校长化为灰烬。目睹这一切的哈利,在伙伴的帮助下,杀死了斯内普,斯内普临死时吼出了自己就是混血王子的惊天秘密。