1、work in 通常指在什么地方工作(工作单位的规模较大)。work on表示“从事(某项工作)”可译为“造、创作、画、做”。两者后跟对象不同,前者跟地点,后者跟从事对象。
2、work in 还有 把…加进;把…混入;把…掺进 的意思。work on还有努力影响[说服];致力于的意思。
Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon. 用木勺将油慢慢掺到蛋黄中。
You may still need to do a bit of work on it in weeks to come, but the changes will not be major. 虽然接下来的几周你还要为此做些努力,但没什么负面影响。
一、work into
二、work off
1(通过消耗体力)宣泄(愤怒),释放(精力),排解(压力) 2用工作偿还(债务)
三、work out
1想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜) 2计算出,解出(数学题答案) 3计算下来(为) 4(如期)发生;进展(顺利) 5圆满结束;完成 6继续(服役)至期满;干满(离职通知规定的时间) 7锻炼;健身
四、work up
1使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤) 2激发(热情);鼓起(勇气) 3使自己出(汗);激起(食欲) 4准备,撰写(文章等)
work on sth 影响…;对…起作用;继续工作;从事于…;设法说服
例1.And his idea was that gravity did work on the water and falling, and that work led to the generation of heat.他的想法是重力对水起了作用,使水翻滚,从而产生了热能.(重力对水做了功)
例2.I have to work on thanksgiving,eventhough I don't want to. 即使我不愿意,感恩节我还是要继续工作.
例3. Does that book work on you?那本书对你有用么?Does that method work on the problem.那个方法能解决这个问题么?
例4. He works on helping the poors to solve basic living problems.他致力于(从事于)帮助穷人解决基本的生存问题.
work in 在…工作;把…编进去.
例1.He works in a big company in the city.他在市里的一个大公司里上班.
例2.Would you please work my name in the list as well?你能把能吧我的名字也编入到名单里去?