〔主句〕All these influences have a negative impact on the spirit bear's very existence, 所有的这些影响都给灵熊的特有生活方式造成消极的冲击。〔非限制性定语从句〕which is made all the more fragile by the fact 这种事实使得灵熊特有的生活方式变得尤其脆弱。〔同位语从句〕that reproduction among these bears has always been disappointingly low. 这种熊之间的繁殖总是令人失望地呈现出低水平的状态变通翻译: 所有的这些影响都对灵熊的特有生活方式产生了反方向的冲击;同时,熊之间的繁殖总是呈现出令人失望的低水平状态,这种繁殖状态存在的事实使得灵熊特有的生活方式变得尤为脆弱 。注释~very existence 特有的生活方式~which is made all the more fragile by the fact =the fact made the very existence all the more fragile