41. successfully
42. which
43. without
44. forms
45. fixed
46. these
Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the park near the school. Can you guess that(改为what) we did there? We take(改为took) part in a volunteer activity. We reached in(删掉in) the park at nine o'clock and then we (增加were) divided into three groups. I was in Group Three. All groups had different tasks. Group One planted trees. Group Two picked up rubbish leaving(改为left) by the tourists and cleaned (增加the) benches. A(改为The) group that I was in wiped all the equipments in the Children's House. All of us worked hardly. Before(该为By) noon, they(改为we) finished working. Each of us felt a little(改为bit) tired, and we were happy because we had done a good deed.