It is so easy for us to overspend our income. Credit cards are easy to obtain, especially when you pay your bills on time. Companies will try to make you keep charging(赊购) until you can’t keep up and then they will make your life miserable! Such is the life of many Americans. You can avoid major problems in several ways. Have a plan! Set up a budget with measurable goals and stick to it! It will save you a lot of frustration later. Set up a savings account that you use only in case of emergency! Set up another account for your retirement! Do this as early as you can and don’t touch it until you retire. Decide which bills are to be paid out of each check and pay those first. If there is anything left over, you can buy groceries(杂货), go out to eat, or go to the movies. Consider setting up an account that automatically pays your bills each month so that you don’t have to do it every month. You could have a household account. Have your check deposited(存) into the household account and don’t take money out of the household account if the balance falls below the amount that you have previously set. Have health insurance(保险)! It can really save you money. A broken leg can set you back $20,000 or more! Health insurance can be had for muc