1. Jack Sparrow:[to Elizabeth] You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin.
2. Elizabeth Swann:There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing.
Jack Sparrow:I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.3. 'Bootstrap' Bill Turner:[to Jack Sparrow] You won't be able to talk your way out of this one.4. Will Turner:What about Jack? I can't leave without him!
[sees Jack getting chased by cannibals]
Will Turner:Never mind, let's go!5. Gibbs:Heave! Heave like you're being paid for it!6. Jack Sparrow:[sing-song] I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?7. Jack Sparrow:[to the Kraken] Hello beastie.8. Jack Sparrow:[to cannibals] *Alas*, my children! This is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost...
[gets splashed by a wave]
Jack Sparrow:...Captain Jack Sparrow.9. Jack Sparrow:[empties bottle of rum] Why is the rum always gone?
Jack Sparrow:[stands up and staggers drunkenly] Oh... that's why.10. [repeated line]
Jack Sparrow:Oh bugger.11. Jack Sparrow:[to Norrington] Still rooting for you, mate!12. Pintel:You know you can't read.
Ragetti:It's the Bible, you get credit for trying!
Pintel:Pretendin' to read the Bible's a lie! That's a mark against
[points to the sky]
Pintel:!13. Gibbs:[Jack shows him a cloth containing a picture of a key which he has just risked his life for] It's a key!
Jack Sparrow:No! Much more better. It is a *drawing* of a key.14. Jack Sparrow:Mr. Gibbs... I feel sullied and unusual.15. Lord Cutler Beckett:A certain pirate named Jack Sparrow.
Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann:*Captain!*
Elizabeth Swann:*Captain* Jack Sparrow.16. Jack Sparrow:Savvy?17. Will Turner:You look beautiful.
Elizabeth Swann:I think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.18. Elizabeth Swann:I'm here to find the man I love!
Jack Sparrow:I'm deeply flattered, lad, but my first and only love is the sea.19. Gibbs:[as Jack steps onto the ship] Not quite according to plan...
Jack Sparrow:Complications arose, ensued, were overcome.20. Davey Jones:Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?21. Jack Sparrow:[to Norrington] What are you doing here? You look bloody awful.
Norrington:You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax.
Jack Sparrow:You smell funny.22. Tia Dalma:You know I require payment.
Jack Sparrow:I brought payment. Look.
[shoots the monkey]
Jack Sparrow:An undead monkey! Top that!
Tia Dalma:The payment is fair...23. Will Turner:...then I'll return here to marry you.
Elizabeth Swann:Properly.
Will Turner:Eagerly, if you'll still have me.
Elizabeth Swann:If it weren't for these bars, I'd have you already.24. Ragetti:Salvaging is saving, in a manner of speaking.
Pintel:There's the truth of it!25. Jack Sparrow:Undead monkey. Top that!26. Gibbs:Lift it! Lift it like it were a lady's skirt!27. Davey Jones:Thirteen years you've been captain of the Black Pearl. That was our agreement.
Jack Sparrow:Technically, I was only captain for two years before I was viciously mutinied upon.
Davey Jones:Then you were a poor captain but a captain nonetheless!28. Jack Sparrow:Is this a dream?
'Bootstrap' Bill Turner:No.
Jack Sparrow:Thought not. If it were, there'd be rum.
'Bootstrap' Bill Turner:[hands him a bottle of rum] 29. Elizabeth Swann:You're a good man, Jack Sparrow.30. Jack Sparrow:So how many is that?
Gibbs:Including those four? That brings us to... four.31. Elizabeth Swann:[chains him to the ship] It's after you, not the ship... It's not us. This is the only way, don't you see?
[leans in as if to kiss him, then pulls away]
Elizabeth Swann:I'm not sorry.
Jack Sparrow:[smiles sorrowfully] Pirate.32. Davey Jones:I wonder Sparrow, can you live with this? Can you condemn an innocent man - a friend - to a lifetime of servitude in your name while you roam free?
Jack Sparrow:...Yep! I'm good wiv it. Shall we seal it in blood? I mean, er... ink?33. Jack Sparrow:No worries! Tia Dalma and I go way back... thick as thieves, nigh inseparable we are... were... have been... before...
Gibbs:I'll watch yer back.
Jack Sparrow:It's me front I'm worried about.
Gibbs:[to Will] Mind the boat.
Will Turner:[to Ragetti] Mind the boat.
Ragetti:[to Pintel] Mind the boat.
Pintel:[to Marty] Mind the boat.
Marty:[to Cotton's parrot] Mind the boat.
Cotton's Parrot:[to Cotton] Mind the boat.
[It flies off, leaving Cotton to pout and sit back down in the boat]