用Adobe Acrobat XI Pro打开excel2010做的文件时出现pdfmaker文件遗失,怎么办

2025-03-18 20:59:30

Office 2010 (Acrobat X, Acrobat XI, and Acrobat DC only)

Note: The Acrobat X PDFMaker is designed to run in 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office applications.
Open the Microsoft Office 2010 application.
Click the blue File menu (in the upper-left corner). Click the [Application Name] Options button. Choose Add-Ins in the list on the left side of the Options window. Choose Disabled Items in the Manage pop-up menu at the bottom of the Options window. Click Go.
Look in the Disabled Items list for Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In.
If Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In is in the list, then select it, click Enable, and click Close. Then close and reopen the Office 2007 application.


你是想用PRO 来编辑EXCEL?