Long long ago, there is a small house in the forest. The house has a vey beautiful garden. There are many red roses in the garden and they smell sweet. But no one can find the place. Do you want to go there?
宋 欧阳修《六一诗话》:“自《西昆集》出,时人争效之,诗体一变,而先生老辈患其多用故事,至於语僻难晓。”
《汉书·刘向传》:“宣帝循武帝故事,招名儒俊材置左右。” 宋 胡铨 《戊午上高宗封事》:“桧乃厉声曰:‘侍郎知故事,我独不知!’”清 钱谦益《南征吟小引》:“上方临遣授钺,如晋公故事,伯应(袁可立子)其将有雄篇丽句继退之而作乎,余将泚笔以和焉!”
Long long ago, there is a small house in the forest. The house has a vey beautiful garden. There are many red roses in the garden and they smell sweet. But no one can find the place. Do you want to go there?