
2024-12-12 13:37:37

读<<哈克贝利.费恩历险记>> 有感当我合上这本书后,嘴角流出了一丝会心的微笑。 Reading " felt when I closed the book, the mouth and out the hint of smile. 这样一本书我还是第一次读到,我想,它写出了对奴隶制的不满、对社民的讽刺、对时代不公正现象的悲哀、还有对人格内心的剖析。 This is the first time a book I read, I think, it sets out the dissatisfaction of slavery, the people of the irony of the community, on the injustice of the sad times, but also on the inner personality analysis. 对于主角―――哈克贝利.费恩也赋予了很多特点:对大人世界的叛逆、对黑人的同情。 For the protagonist --- Huckleberry. Fehn also gives a lot of features: on the adult world of rebellion, sympathy for Black. 以上这些,是所有读过这本书的人都能感受到的,但在这本书中,有另外一种味道,一种哈克贝利.费恩和那群小男孩散发出的味道,这是这种味道塑造出哈克贝利.费恩独特的个性,这种味道,只有真正的孩子,才能真正读懂。 These are all read this book can feel, but in this book, there is another kind of taste, a Huckleberry. Finn and the group of small boys, the smell, It is this taste out of Huckleberry shape. Fehn's unique personality, this taste, only the children really can be truly understood.

这种味道,让哈克和那一群小孩老是幻想干一些大事:做强盗、做英雄。 This taste for Huck and that a group of children always dream to do something big: do robbers as heroes. 说一些“如果本帮哥们泄露秘密,必须割断他的喉管,并把他的尸体烧掉,骨灰撒掉,把名字用血从名单中抹掉”之类一些听上去“像那么一会事”的话。 Some said, "If this helps buddy tell a secret, must cut his throat and his body burned, ashes scattered off, put their names erased from the list of blood," some of it sounds like "something like it for a while "words. 而实际上“连一辆装满萝卜的车子都对付不了。”我小时候也常认为自己是传说中神的女儿,是拯救世界的天使,而实际上连一个人呆在一个较黑的屋子里就会觉得背后有什么东西。 In fact, "with a car full of radishes are unable to cope." I often think that their child is the daughter of the legendary god is the angel to save the world, in fact even a person stay in a relatively dark room will feel something behind. 这,是一个孩子最天真的梦想。 This is a dream of a child's innocent.

这种味道,让哈克和汤姆想“用一把小刀化37年时间挖一个地洞救出黑奴吉姆”,但发现行不通时,他们便打算“事实上是用铁铲马上挖,在这之后,我们不妨只当用小刀挖了37年”,我小时候经常用我认为“公主的睡姿”睡觉,可睡一会就不舒服了,于是我就横七竖八地躺在床上,只当是用公主的睡姿睡。 This taste for Huck and Tom would like "a knife of 37 years to dig a hole rescued black Nuji Mu", but found that does not work, they would like to "actually digging with a spade once, after which , we might just as with a knife and dug 37 years, "I was a child often I think" Princess of sleeping positions, "sleep, sleep will not be comfortable, so I noodle on her bed, just as is the Princess sleep sleeping position. 这,是一个孩子几乎无所不能的想象力。 This is a child's imagination can do almost anything.

这种味道,让汤姆和哈克往吉姆那小小的“监狱”里放水蛇、老鼠等“宠物”,让吉姆用泪水浇灌一株花,而实际上吉姆已经自由了,只要汤姆说句话就可以被放出来。 This taste for Tom and Huck to Jim that little "prison" in Drainage snakes, rats and other "pet" and let the tears watering a flower with Jim, but Jim has actually free, as long as a word with Tom can be released. 这,是一个孩子奇特的幻想。 This is a strange fantasy child.

而这种味道,叫“童真”。 And the smell, called "Innocence."