有翻译の
我和李龙飞是楼上楼下的邻居,也是好朋友。虽然他比我大一岁,但我们无话不谈,在一起总是玩得很开心。当然,再好的朋友也会有发生矛盾的时候。这不,前两天,因为一件很小的事情,我们闹别扭了。
Li
Longfei
and
are
upstairs
downstairs
neighbor,
is
also
a
good
friend.
Although
he
is
one
year
older
than
me,
but
we
can
talk
together,
always
have
a
good
time.
Of
course,
good
friends
will
also
have
contradiction
occurs
when.
This
not,
two
days
ago,
because
of
a
very
small
things,
we
were
at
odds.
其实事情很简单。这天,我刚刚买了一副卡片,想在李龙飞面前炫耀一下。果然,他立刻就被我的卡片吸引住了,并立刻从家里拿出一个香喷喷的面包跟我换,我想也没想就答应了。
In
fact,
it's
very
simple.
That
day,
just
bought
a
pair
of
cards,
like
in
the
Li
Longfei
show.
Sure
enough,
he
was
immediately
attracted
to
my
card,
and
immediately
from
home
out
of
a
crust
of
bread
with
me,
want
to
also
did
not
want
to
promise.
面包吃完了,我想他也玩够了,我该要回我的卡片了,不料李龙飞却瞪大了眼睛说:“不是已经拿面包跟你换了吗,换了的东西怎么还能要回去呢?”我一下子傻了眼,这可是我没料到的!
Bread
to
eat,
think
he's
had
enough,
want
to
back
to
my
card,
but
Li
Longfei
stared
said:"
not
have
bread
and
you
changed,
changed
how
things
can
go
back?"
was
foolish
eye,
but
didn't
expect!
眼看崭新又漂亮的卡片就这样落到别人手里,我也不依不饶起来。李龙飞的妈妈瞧见,批评李龙飞不该以大欺小,让他把卡片还给我。李龙飞看着我,气得眼泪蹦出了眼眶,他嚷道:“我再也不和他做朋友了!”我拿回了我的卡片,可我像泄了气的皮球,一点儿也快乐不起来。
Seeing
the
new
and
beautiful
cards
that
go
into
the
hands
of
another,
also
he's
really
not
letting
this
go
up.
Li
Longfei's
mother
saw,
criticized
Li
Longfei
for
not
the
bullying,
let
him
put
the
card
back
to
me.
Li
Longfei
looked
at
me,
gas
tears
popped
out
of
orbit,
he
cried:"
I'll
not
do
his
friends!"
got
my
card,
but
like
the
ball,
little
also
not
happy.
几天过去了,我开始感到寂寞。我想,其实李龙飞对我挺好的,有好玩的玩具会和我一起分享,有好听的笑话就会立刻讲给我听,可是现在……我把我的烦恼讲给妈妈听,妈妈一听却笑了:“不就是一点小事儿么,他现在可能也跟你一样寂寞呢!”妈妈悄悄耳语,我立刻恍然大悟。我拿出心爱的卡片和他爱吃的薯片,飞奔下楼。
Over
the
past
few
days,
began
to
feel
lonely.
want
to,
but
Li
Longfei
told
me
very
good,
fun
toys
would
share
with
me,
a
good
joke
will
immediately
tell
me,
but
now
...
...
take
my
worries
her
mother
heard
this,
laughed:"
is
not
a
thing,
he
may
now
also
like
you
lonely!"
My
mother
whispers,
immediately
see
light
suddenly.
took
out
my
favorite
card
and
he
likes
to
eat
potato
chips,
flying
down
the
stairs.
“咚,咚!”李龙飞把门打开一条缝,看到是我,他很惊讶。我立刻把东西递给他,李龙飞低头看了看,不好意思地笑了,我心里立刻掠过一股暖流,我想,此刻,他心里也一定跟我一样充满了友谊的甜蜜吧!
"
Thump,
thump!"
Li
Longfei
opened
the
door
just
a
little,
see
me,
he
was
very
surprised.
immediately
put
things
to
him,
Li
Longfei
looked
down
at,
feel
shy
smile,
my
mind
immediately
across
a
stream,
think,
now,
he
must
like
me
full
of
sweet
friendship!