
2025-02-26 18:55:24

James Trilling: 在工艺界的道德准则是每个行动都表明我们是心中有数的。
Peter Dormer: 这篇文章分三部分探究了现代主义美学的生存,特别是对创意、自发和叛逆的赞美。现代主义唯心论作为一个对失去个性的现代化力量的答复,历史xing地将得通。然而,这并不是唯一可能的答复,也不是所有情况下最好的答复。它的不利影响包括限制了对工艺的艺术和社会作用的,忽视了以常规为基础的艺术,例如装饰(点缀),公众对当代艺术的不满与一个否认系统的艺术指导对我们的孩子有益的教育系统。在不同情况下,我们现在需要的是通过承认规矩对创意没有阻挡,以及通过一种形式和内容共享的语言来回归循序渐进创新的旧理想被最好的服务。【这是我自己翻译的,跟正规翻译可能会有点出入,大概意思差不多,爪机党一字一字打的不容易。希望能帮到你,也望采纳,谢谢。】


Traffic light controllers are of great significances in the surveillance of city traffic. Generally, the traditional traffic light controllers work with the help of single-chips or PLCs. However, this design is based of the premise of FPGA technique and the Quartus.

The traffic light controllers located at junctions can describe all the modules with VHDL hardware language and are empowered to interpret, simulate, as well as create download top documents and verify them in FPGA's FLEX EPF10K10LC84. These are all realized on the II developing platform. The design enabled the design of traffic light controllers on the large-scale editable logic devices while improved the previous digital circut design pattern which involved using a number of minor devices. This design is characterized by simple circut, small size, reliable functionality, and other advantages. It is of applicable values.


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