During our long-lasting learning,the most important thing is to get along well with our classmates. But in what way could we live in harmony them? The answer is, to treat them as your family members. In fact, I think mutual understanding is vital - however, saying is always easier than doing - being considerate is very difficult to do since everyone has different habits; also, in class, we can never be so tolerant as each other's parents. At this time, there should be more compromise, patience, because being calm for a whild will make our life brighter for a long time. For us, our classmates are the best friends by our side, as the saying goes: at home we could rely on parents at home, outside we rely on friends. If you encounter any difficulties, just phone them and they would certainly extend a hand - this is the so-called friendship, which is formed through mutual understanding between the us students! Let's there be more understanding less complaint!