
2024-12-25 22:34:31

Rich has an advantage over you. 理奇比你占优势。 She got back safe from her adventure. 她有惊无险已安全返回。 I gave him advice. 我给他建议 Mind your own affairs! 别管闲事 I can not afford the cost 我不能承受这个花费 I'm afraid we can't come. 很抱歉,我们不能来。 You are afraid of snakes 你怕蛇 Do it again 再做一次 We sailed against the wind 我们逆风航行 3 days ago,I saw him。 三天前 我见过他 I agree with you 我同意你的意见 Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside. 现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。 He ran on ahead. 他跑在前面。 What is your aim in life? 你的生活目标是什么?


My advantage is Mathematics. I like to go on adventures. I'm glad to hear your advice. I advised him to join the team. There is no question about personal affair. I can't afford this car. I'm afraid to get bad mark in English. Don't be afraid of me. I went back to the shop again to pick up my dress. Our school team play basketball against yours. One year ago, I went to the mall. I agree with you. Only a few teenagers take care of agriculture. You can go ahead. I aim the gun and shoot it. 本人愚见,如被采纳,万幸直至!