in
testimony
whereof
释义:in
witness
whereof
以此为证,特立此证。
用法:作为正式性的体现,这个短语常常在合同结尾条款中使用,以郑重其事,重申合同的严肃性、重要性;在句子结构上也起到承启的作用,以引出结语,往往成为合同结束的语言标志,可译成“特此立(证)据”,“以此立(证)据”等
例
in
testimony
whereof,
this
contract
shall
come
into
effect
after
the
contract
in
question
is
made
and
signed
by
the
parties
hereto
in
duplicate,
and
either
party
will
hold
one
copy.
注释
(1)in
testimony
whereof:特此立据
(2)in
duplicate:一式两份
(3)either
party
will
hold
one
copy:双方各执一份。
参考译文:
本合同由双方代表签字后生效,一式两份,双方各执一份。特此立据。
如果满意记得采纳哦,谢谢~~