个格熬兜,册了交贵司提,(纷纷扰扰 真不会),啊拉赛咯吃力,么力气起神丹,起价觉。了么声兜想则CS了改饿捏价,挨个神光,阿拉好咯岁币饿小,挨个神光,阿拉饿新么嘎副杂。咯乡个能股哦起,伐起乡,伐起才撒四体。
伐摇哈乡巴乡,吾咯好,么撒饭饿,啊(第二声)系网侬伐摇饭。吾咯乡棒侬一道吾妻,好伐?(我们都是凡人,都会累,但是希望我和你,在感觉累的时候,能背靠着背,好好休息。而不是,一直想着离开。 省了,像绕口令一样)
个则号头、册孒老度额事体、纷纷扰扰额呀、阿拉切列色(或者:撒度色)、么列道起承受、起架绝、得乐子集、有些欢喜乐该CS里向额捏接、唉额森光、阿拉好肆无忌惮额笑、唉额森光、阿拉额心里向 么噶度额事体、度想几几待待额森活胡起、伐起睬素有额事体、阿伐起想 素有额事体、
册那、真旳是一字一句翻出来额闹 = =。
不给分 灭特弄喔 = =。(灭掉你额 意思)
This month, there have been many things, and we are the magging issues.it not tired, strength to accept, to solve the problem. Suddenly some miss cs, in the days of the time, we can laugh, then the unbridled, our heart is not so complicated. Many want to live simply, not to any matter, not to think about anything.
Stop, I'm good, not because you worry, hoping that you, don't worry me for. I hope that you can keep going. We are all mortal, tired, but I hope you feel tired, and in the back, can carry on and have a good rest. Instead, has been wanting to leave.