Bill Gates once said that the twenty-first century, or e-commerce, or no business can service! Ma once said, I am very cruel, more brutal tomorrow, day after tomorrow is better. The vast majority of people died in tomorrow night, do not see the sun the day after tomorrow. If today you are still stuck in the cafe inside, if today you do e-commerce is still a joke to others flicker, then I believe that in five years you will be more regret it! Their predictions are being confirmed with the times and the fact that e-commerce has become more and more enterprises and individual entrepreneurs choice. More and more traditional enterprises into e-commerce platform began, but also because this way, so now would be so popular e-commerce professionals, especially professional e-commerce professionals. According to statistics, in 2012 China's Internet users reached 565 million, more than any other country worldwide, China's Internet penetration rate reached 42.1% in the next 5--10 years of e-commerce talent gap will reach 3 million. Huge talent shortage and increasingly prominent contradictions market, major companies making e-commerce talent to become a "new darling"!