英国病人 那令人震撼的爱情
看罢此片 除了心灵的震撼 确实没有什么语言可以去作任何评价
片末 独自驾驶着加着德国汽油的英国飞机行驶在茫茫沙海 蓝天失色 生命亦失色.黑色的高射炮如乌云一般在北非的蓝天中绽放
冰蓝色的眼睛 冰蓝的眼神 冰蓝的花朵
When were you most happy? Now.(你什么时候最开心 现在)
When were you least happy? Now.(你什么时候最不开心 也是现在)
I hate ownership, being owned.(我讨厌占有 讨厌被占有 而当艾玛殊伯爵说这句话的时候 已经想要占有)
I always loved you",(伯爵精通多国语言,却话也不想说.什么都来不及,什么都不得不放弃,只来得及在最后听嘉芙莲说 我一直爱着你)
艾玛殊在沙漠走了三天三夜到镇上 却因为没证件而被当成德国鬼子 在被押送的过程中跳火车 他的嘉芙莲还在沙漠里等他 无奈他和德国人做起了交易 既然英国人不把他当朋友 他只能和他们的敌人做朋友
My darling, I'm waiting for you. How long is the day in the dark, or a week? Fire is gone now, and i'm horribly cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, but then there'd be the sun. I'm afriad I waste the light...on the paintings and on writing those words. We die. We die rich with lovers and tribes, taste we have swollowed, bodies we have entered, and swum up like rivers. Fears we've hidden in, like this wreched cave. I want all these marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundries draw on maps, the names of powerful men. I know you'll come and carry me out into the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted. To talk on such a place with you, with friends, an earth without maps. The lamp's gone out, and I'm writing...in the darkness...
经典 绝唱 跌宕 凄婉。。。。。