Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only
(Renminbi) on July 2nd, 2001, being the rent for the month of June 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen.
Liu Ming
兹收到杰罗姆.科恩先生2001 年7 月2 日交纳的捌佰元整(人民币)。该款项是其为居
住在深圳青竹路127 号所交纳的2002 年7 月份租金
Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only
(Renminbi) on July 2nd, 2001, being the rent for the month of June 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen.
Liu Ming
兹收到杰罗姆.科恩先生2001 年7 月2 日交纳的捌佰元整(人民币)。该款项是其为居 住在深圳青竹路127 号所交纳的2002 年7 月份租金
收据是企事业单位在 经济活动中使用的 原始凭证,主要是指 财政部门印制的盖有财政票据监制章的的收付款凭证,用于行政事业性收入,即非应税业务 !