全国选择做试管婴儿数量最多的省份是广东、浙江、湖南及山东,去做试管婴儿医院最多的是北京、上海、广州及长沙。 据统计,最新做试管婴儿成功率高的医院集中在以上几个大城市,比如北京三院、长沙湘雅医院、上海第一妇婴,是外地人去的最多的医院之一,相对来说他们医疗设备和技术水平高一些,成功率排名靠前。 试管婴儿医院成功率最高在北京和上海及广州。 北京和上海的做试管婴儿的权威三级甲等医院众多,整体医疗技术水平明显在国内领先,占了全国试管婴儿市场的三分之一,但医院排队时间过长,有的甚至要半年才能排上号。 宝妈有做试管婴儿方面的问题,都可以在问答提问哦。
The Reproductive Medical Centre of PFH has always been in a competitive position in the field of assisted reproduction based on advanced techniques and authoritative expert team. We mainly carry out artificial insemination by husband (AIH), in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Our clinical president is Dr. Liao who studied in China’s leading authority Xiangya Hospital’s ART center, Prenatal Diagnosis Center, National Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics and abroad in Monash IVF center.