/********************** huffman.h ************************/
typedef struct qnode qnode;
typedef tree qtype;
typedef struct {
qnode *front;
qnode *rear;
} queue;
struct qnode {
qtype op;
qnode *next;
bool qEmpty( queue *q ) {
return (q->front == NULL);
void qPushBack( queue *q, qtype op ) {
* pushes op at q.rear.
qnode *ptr = (qnode *)malloc( sizeof(qnode) );
ptr->op = op;
ptr->next = NULL;
if( qEmpty(q) ) // first element in q.
q->front = ptr;
q->rear->next = ptr;
q->rear = ptr;
void qInsertSorted(queue *q, qtype op) {
* inserts val in sorted q and keeps new q sorted.
qnode *ptr = (qnode *)malloc(sizeof(qnode));
qnode *curr, *prev;
ptr->op = op;
for(prev=NULL, curr=q->front; curr && curr->op->w < op->w; prev=curr, curr=curr->next)
if(!curr && !prev) // q empty.
ptr->next = NULL, q->rear = q->front = ptr;
else if(!curr) // op is the max value.
ptr->next = NULL, prev->next = q->rear = ptr;
else if(!prev) // op is the min value.
ptr->next = curr, q->front = ptr;
else { // if prev and ptr both exist.
ptr->next = curr;
prev->next = ptr;
qtype qPopFront( queue *q ) {
* pops op from q->front.
qnode *ptr = q->front;
qtype op;
if( qEmpty(q) )
return (qtype)NULL;
q->front = q->front->next;
if( qEmpty(q) ) q->rear = NULL;
op = ptr->op;
return op;
/********************* huffman.c *************************/
#define MAXLEN 80
typedef struct node node;
typedef char type;
typedef node *tree;
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;
struct node {
int w;
type val;
node *left, *right;
#include "huffman.q.h"
int compare(const void *e1, const void *e2) {
* compare the two elements in e1 and e2.
* each element is a vector of two elements.
return ((int *)e1)[1] > ((int *)e2)[1];
void printTree(tree t, char *outputstr) {
* print the huffman codes for each element of t.
* outputstr contains huffman code for t (NOT parent of t).
* assumes t!=NULL.
char str[2] = "1";
if(t->right) {
strcat(outputstr, str);
printTree(t->right, outputstr);
outputstr[strlen(outputstr)-1] = 0; // restore.
if(t->left) {
str[0] = '0';
strcat(outputstr, str);
printTree(t->left, outputstr);
outputstr[strlen(outputstr)-1] = 0; // restore.
else if(!t->right)
printf("%c=%d=%s.\n", t->val, t->w, outputstr);
tree buildTree(int a[][2], int n) {
* build a huffman tree using frequency in a[i][1] where a[0][j] indicates
* the character
* for that sort a on frequency.
* n is the size of a.
int i;
tree t = NULL;
queue sortedq = {NULL};
// sort a on frequency.
qsort(a, n, sizeof(a[0]), compare);
// insert each element in tree.
for(i=0; iw = a[i][1];
temp->val = (type)a[i][0];
qPushBack(&sortedq, temp);
// assume n>0.
while(TRUE) {
tree t2 = NULL,
t1 = qPopFront(&sortedq);
t2 = qPopFront(&sortedq);
else {
t = t1;
t = (tree)malloc(sizeof(node));
t->w = t1->w + t2->w;
t->left = t1;
t->right = t2;
qnode *ptr;
for(ptr=sortedq.front; ptr; ptr=ptr->next)
printf("%d ", ptr->op->w);
printf("insertsorted=%d.\n", t->w);
qInsertSorted(&sortedq, t);
return t;
int main() {
int a[][2] = { {'a', 20},
{'b', 23},
{'c', 14},
{'d', 56},
{'e', 35},
{'f', 29},
{'g', 5 }
char outputstr[MAXLEN] = "";
tree t = buildTree(a, sizeof(a)/2/sizeof(int));
printTree(t, outputstr);
return 0;