Eighty-one million,five hundred and two thousand,one hundred and twenty-one.
forty-four thousand,one hundred and two.
Five hundred and eighteen thousand billion,one hundred and seventy-five million,two hundred and twelve thousand,one hundred and sixty-six.
Five thousand, eight hundred an two.
Twenty-five thousand,five hundred and thirty-one.
如果是不同情况 0的读法都是不一样的 比如电话号码中的0读成 偶 普通读成 Zero 两个相同的数字读成 Double 三个相同的数字前读成triple
eight one five zero two one two one
double four one zero two
five one eight one seven five two one two one six one
five eight zero two
zero two one
zero two double five three one
81502121:eight one five o two one two one
44102:double four one o two
518175212161:five one eight seven five two one two one six one
5802:five eight o two
021:o two one
025531:o two double five three one
eight one five zero two one two one
four four one zero two
five one eight one seven five two one two one six one
five eight zero two
zero two one
zero two five five three one
eighty-one million five hundred and two tousand one hundred and twenty-one
forty-four thousand one hundred and two
five hundred and eighteen billion one hundred and seventy-five million two hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-one
five thousand eighty hundred and two
zero two one
zero two five five three one
eight one five zero two one two one
four four one zero two
five one eight one seven five two one two one six one
five eight zero two
zero two one
zero two five five three one