Department of Student Affairs (DSA)学工处
Recruiting Office 招生接待室
lounge 休息室
Admissions office 招生办
School history room 校史馆
post room 收发室
financial department 收费报帐室
Security Room 保安室
Meeting room for 54 54人会议室
Dean reception院长接待室
学工处长 Director of DSA
教务处长 Provost
教务处 dean's office
校企合作处 Office for school and enterprise Cooperation
备用室 preparation room
156人大会议室 big meeting room for 156
副院长办公室 Vice-President Office
职教研究所 Institute of Vocational Education
基建档案室 capital File Room
基建科 capital construction division
总务处 Office of General Services
院办备用 Standby for Academy office
院办 Academy office
人事处 Personnel Department
人事处备用 Standby for Personnel Department
档案科 Personnel Section
借阅室 Reading Room
工会 union
书记办公室 Secretary Office
宣传部 Publicity Department
纪检审计Department of Disciplinary Inspection