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2024-11-28 19:39:00

This poem letter is written by Ludwig van Beethoven to his lover. And I show you.

Ludwig van Beethoven to the immortal beloved


Evening Monday july 6

You are suffering, my dearest creature—only now have I learned that letters must be posted very early in the morning. Mondays , Thursdays –the only days on which the mail coach goes from here to k . you are suffering –oh ! wherever I am , there you are also. I shall arrange affairs between us, so that I shall live and live with you, what a life, thus, thus without you –pursued by the goodness of mankind hither and thither-which I as little try to deserve as I deserve it.

Humility of man toward man – it pains me – and when I consider myself in connection with the universe, what am I and what is he whom we call the greatest and yet –herein lies the divine in man. I weep when I reflect that you will probably not receive the fist intelligence from me until Saturday – much as you love me , I love you more – but do not ever conceal your thoughts from me – good night – as I am taking the baths I must go to bed .

Morning , Tuesday july 7

Good morning . though still in bed my thoughts go out to you , my immortal beloved . now and then joyfully , then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us . I can live only wholly with you or not at all – yes, I am resolved to so I am really at home , send my soul enwrapped in you , into the land of spirits, yes, unhappily it must be – you will be the more resolved since you know my fidelity – to you, no one can ever again possess my heart – none – never – oh god ! why is it necessary to part from one whom one so loves and yet my life in Vienna is now a wretched life – your loves make me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men – at my age, I need a steady, quiet life – can that be under our conditions? My angel, I have just been told that you may receive the letter .. at once . be calm only by a calm consideration of calm , only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose together – be calm –love me – today – yesterday – well – oh continue to love me – never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved L.

Ever thine

Ever mine

Ever for each other