1 星球大战5:帝国反击战 The Empire Strikes Back Fox $209,398,025
2 朝九晚五 9 to 5 Fox $103,290,500
3 阿叔有难 Stir Crazy Col. $101,300,000
4 逢凶化吉满天飞 Airplane! Par. $83,453,539
5 金拳大对决 Any Which Way You Can WB $70,687,344
6 傻妹从军 Private Benjamin WB $69,847,348
7 矿工的女儿 Coal Miner's Daughter Uni. $67,182,787
8 上天下地大追击 Smokey and the Bandit II Uni. $66,132,626
9 青青珊瑚岛 The Blue Lagoon Col. $58,853,106
10 福禄双霸天 The Blues Brothers Uni. $57,229,890
1 夺宝奇兵1:法柜奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark Par. $209,562,121
2 金色池塘 On Golden Pond Uni. $119,285,432
3 超人2 Superman II WB $108,185,706
4 亚瑟 Arthur WB $95,461,682
5 杂牌军东征 Stripes Col. $85,297,000
6 炮弹飞车 The Cannonball Run Fox $72,179,579
7 火之战车 Chariots of Fire Col. $58,972,904
8 007系列之最高机密 For Your Eyes Only MGM $54,812,802
9 四季 The Four Seasons Uni. $50,427,646
10 时光大盗 Time Bandits Emb $42,365,581
1 E.T.外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Uni. $359,197,037
2 窈窕淑男 Tootsie Col. $177,200,000
3 军官与绅士 An Officer and a Gentleman Par. $129,795,554
4 洛奇3 Rocky III UA $124,146,897
5 反斗星/留校查看 Porky's Fox $105,492,483
6 星舰迷航II-天汗的愤怒 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Par. $78,912,963
7 48小时 48 HRS. Par. $78,868,508
8 鬼驱人 Poltergeist MGM $76,606,280
9 春城花满天 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Uni. $69,701,637
10 安妮 Annie Col. $57,059,003
1 星球大战6:绝地大反攻 Return of the Jedi Fox $252,583,617
2 母女情深 Terms of Endearment Par. $108,423,489
3 闪舞 Flashdance Par. $92,921,203
4 颠倒乾坤 Trading Places Par. $90,404,800
5 战争游戏 WarGames MGM $79,567,667
6 007系列之八爪女 Octopussy MGM $67,893,619
7 拨云见日 Sudden Impact WB $67,642,693
8 龙飞凤舞 Staying Alive Par. $64,892,670
9 家庭主夫 Mr. Mom Fox $64,783,827
10 乖仔也疯狂 Risky Business WB $63,541,777
1 妙探出更1 Beverly Hills Cop Par. $234,760,478
2 捉鬼敢死队1 Ghostbusters Col. $229,242,989
3 夺宝奇兵2:魔宫传奇 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Par.$179,870,271
4 小魔怪 Gremlins WB $148,168,459
5 小子难缠1 The Karate Kid Col. $90,815,558
6 警察学校1 Police Academy WB $81,198,894
7 浑身是劲 Footloose Par. $80,035,402
8 绿宝石 Romancing the Stone Fox $76,572,238
9 星舰迷航III Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Par. $76,471,046
10 美人鱼 Splash BV $69,821,334
1 回到未来1 Back to the Future Uni. $210,609,762
2 第一滴血2 Rambo: First Blood Part II TriS $150,415,432
3 洛奇4 Rocky IV UA $127,873,716 2,254 $19,991,537
4 紫色 The Color Purple WB $94,175,854
5 走出非洲 Out of Africa Uni. $87,071,205
6 魔茧 Cocoon Fox $76,113,124
7 尼罗河宝石 The Jewel of the Nile Fox $75,973,200
8 目击者 Witness Par. $68,706,993
9 七宝奇谋 The Goonies WB $61,389,680
10 光棍出差 Spies Like Us WB $60,088,980
1 壮志凌云 Top Gun Par. $176,786,701
2 鳄鱼邓迪1 Crocodile Dundee Par. $174,803,506
3 野战排 Platoon Orion $138,530,565
4 小子难缠2 The Karate Kid Part II Col. $115,103,979
5 星舰迷航IV:抢救未来 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Par. $109,713,132
6 重返学校 Back to School Orion $91,258,000
7 异形2 Aliens Fox $85,160,248
8 金童 The Golden Child Par. $79,817,937
9 家有恶夫 Ruthless People BV $71,624,879
10 春天不是读书天 Ferris Bueller's Day Off Par. $70,136,369
1 三个奶爸一个娃 Three Men and a Baby BV $167,780,960
2 致命诱惑 Fatal Attraction Par. $156,645,693
3 妙探出更2 Beverly Hills Cop II Par. $153,665,036
4 早安越南 Good Morning, Vietnam BV $123,922,370
5 月色撩人 Moonstruck MGM $80,640,528
6 铁面无私 The Untouchables Par. $76,270,454
7 成功的秘密 The Secret of My Success Uni. $66,995,879
8 紧急盯梢令 Stakeout BV $65,673,233
9 致命武器1 Lethal Weapon WB $65,207,127
10 紫屋魔恋 The Witches of Eastwick WB $63,766,510
1 雨人 Rain Man MGM $172,825,435
2 谁陷害了兔子罗杰 Who Framed Roger Rabbit BV $156,452,370
3 来到美国 Coming to America Par. $128,152,301
4 飞越未来 Big Fox $114,968,774
5 龙兄鼠弟 Twins Uni. $111,938,388
6 鳄鱼邓迪2 Crocodile Dundee II Par. $109,306,210
7 虎胆龙威1 Die Hard Fox $83,008,852
8 白头神探1 The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! Par. $78,756,177
9 鸡尾酒 Cocktail BV $78,222,753
10 哗鬼家族 Beetlejuice WB $73,707,461
1 蝙蝠侠 Batman WB $251,188,924
2 夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Par. $197,171,806
3 致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2 WB $147,253,986
4 看谁在说话 Look Who's Talking TriS $140,088,813
5 亲爱的,我把孩子缩小了 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids BV $130,724,172
6 回到未来2 Back to the Future Part II Uni. $118,450,002
7 捉鬼敢死队2 Ghostbusters II Col. $112,494,738
8 为黛茜小姐开车 Driving Miss Daisy WB $106,593,296
9 温馨家庭 Parenthood Uni. $100,047,830
10 春风化雨 Dead Poets Society BV $95,860,116
1 小鬼当家1 Home Alone Fox $285,761,243
2 人鬼情未了 Ghost Par. $217,631,306
3 与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves Orion $184,208,848
4 风月俏佳人 Pretty Woman BV $178,406,268
5 忍者神龟 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NL $135,265,915
6 猎杀红色十月 The Hunt for Red October Par. $122,012,643
7 宇宙威龙 Total Recall Sony $119,394,840
8 虎胆龙威2 Die Hard 2: Die Harder Fox $117,540,947
9 至尊神探 Dick Tracy BV $103,738,726
10 幼稚园特警 Kindergarten Cop Uni. $91,457,688
1 终结者2:审判日 Terminator 2: Judgment Day TriS $204,843,345
2 侠盗王子罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves WB $165,493,908
3 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast BV $145,863,363
4 沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs Orion $130,742,922
5 城市乡巴佬 City Slickers Col. $124,033,791
6 虎克船长 Hook TriS $119,654,823
7 亚当斯一家 The Addams Family Par. $113,502,426
8 与敌共眠 Sleeping with the Enemy Fox $101,599,005
9 新岳父大人 Father of the Bride BV $89,325,780
10 白头神探2 1/2:恐怖的气味 The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear Par. $86,930,411
1 阿拉丁 Aladdin BV $217,350,219
2 小鬼当家2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Fox $173,585,516
3 蝙蝠侠归来 Batman Returns WB $162,831,698
4 致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3 WB $144,731,527
5 义海雄风 A Few Good Men Col. $141,340,178
6 修女也疯狂 Sister Act BV $139,605,150
7 保镖 The Bodyguard WB $121,945,720
8 反斗智多星 Wayne's World Par. $121,697,323
9 本能1 Basic Instinct TriS $117,727,224
10 红粉联盟 A League of Their Own Sony $107,533,928
1 侏罗纪公园1 Jurassic Park Uni. $357,067,947
2 窈窕奶爸 Mrs. Doubtfire Fox $219,195,243
3 亡命天涯 The Fugitive (1993) WB $183,875,760
4 律师事务所 The Firm Par. $158,348,367
5 西雅图夜未眠 Sleepless in Seattle TriS $126,680,884
6 桃色交易 Indecent Proposal Par. $106,614,059
7 火线狙击 In the Line of Fire Col. $102,314,823
8 塘鹅暗杀令 The Pelican Brief WB $100,768,056
9 辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List Uni. $96,065,768
10 绝岭雄风 Cliffhanger TriS $84,049,211
1 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Par. $329,694,499
2 狮子王 The Lion King BV $312,855,561
3 真实的谎言 True Lies Fox $146,282,411
4 圣诞老人 The Santa Clause BV $144,833,357
5 聪明笨伯 The Flintstones Uni. $130,531,208
6 阿呆与阿瓜 Dumb and Dumber NL $127,175,374
7 燃眉追击 Clear and Present Danger Par. $122,187,717
8 生死时速 Speed Fox $121,248,145
9 变相怪杰 The Mask NL $119,938,730
10 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction Mira. $107,928,762
1 玩具总动员1 Toy Story BV $191,796,233
2 永远的蝙蝠侠 Batman Forever WB $184,031,112
3 阿波罗13号 Apollo 13 Uni. $172,071,312
4 风中奇缘 Pocahontas BV $141,579,773
5 神探飞机头2 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls WB $108,385,533
6 007系列之黄金眼 GoldenEye MGM $106,429,941
7 勇敢者的游戏 Jumanji Sony $100,475,249
8 鬼马小精灵 Casper Uni. $100,328,194
9 七宗罪 Seven NL $100,125,643
10 虎胆龙威3 Die Hard: With A Vengeance Fox $100,012,499
1 独立日 Independence Day Fox $306,169,268
2 龙卷风 Twister WB $241,721,524
3 碟中谍1 Mission: Impossible Par. $180,981,856
4 甜心先生 Jerry Maguire Sony $153,952,592
5 赎金风暴 Ransom BV $136,492,681
6 101斑点狗 101 Dalmatians BV $136,189,294
7 勇闯夺命岛 The Rock BV $134,069,511
8 肥佬教授 The Nutty Professor Uni. $128,814,019
9 假凤虚凰 The Birdcage MGM $124,060,553
10 杀戮时刻 A Time to Kill WB $108,766,007
1 泰坦尼克号 Titanic Par. $600,788,188
2 黑超特警组1 Men In Black Sony $250,690,539
3 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park Uni.$229,086,679
4 大话王 Liar Liar Uni. $181,410,615
5 空军一号 Air Force One Sony $172,956,409
6 尽善尽美 As Good As It Gets Sony $148,478,011
7 心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting Mira. $138,433,435
8 星球大战(特别版) Star Wars (Special Edition) Fox $138,257,865
9 我最好朋友的婚礼 My Best Friend's Wedding Sony $127,120,029
10 007系列之明日帝国 Tomorrow Never Dies MGM $125,304,276
1 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan DW $216,540,909
2 绝世天劫 Armageddon BV $201,578,182
3 我为玛丽狂 There's Something About Mary Fox $176,484,651
4 虫虫特工队 A Bug's Life BV $162,798,565
5 呆呆向前冲 The Waterboy BV $161,491,646
6 怪医杜利德 Doctor Dolittle Fox $144,156,605
7 尖峰时刻1 Rush Hour NL $141,186,864
8 天地大冲撞 Deep Impact Par. $140,464,664
9 哥斯拉 Godzilla Sony $136,314,294
10 心灵点滴 Patch Adams Uni. $135,026,902
1 星球大战前传I:魅影危机 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Fox $431,088,301
2 第六感 The Sixth Sense BV $293,506,292
3 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2 BV $245,852,179
4 王牌大贱谍2 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me NL $206,040,086
5 黑客帝国1 The Matrix WB $171,479,930
6 泰山 Tarzan BV $171,091,819
7 老爸向前冲 Big Daddy Sony $163,479,795
8 盗墓迷城1 The Mummy Uni. $155,385,488
9 落跑新娘 Runaway Bride Par. $152,257,509
10 女巫布莱尔 The Blair Witch Project Art