A powerful 7.0 earthquake jolted many areas and wrecked buildings on the main Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday, killing at least 44 people. Authorities expected the toll to rise.
Early Thursday, Reuters quoted officials who said about 1,300 houses were damaged, but local media put the number closer to 3,500. The news agency said there were makeshift shelters and tents on streets and fields, as survivors feared aftershocks.
Indonesia's official Antara news agency said that about 30 people were trapped under rocks and dirt from a landslide in a village near Cianjur, which is about 60 miles southeast of the capital. In Jakarta, the earthquake caused many tall buildings to sway, causing thousands of panicked office workers to flee onto streets. Indonesian authorities said that at least 27 people were injured in and around the capital. Health Ministry spokesman Rustam Pakaya said most of the injuries were minor.
Indonesia's Bureau of Meteorology broadcast a tsunami warning on local television stations shortly after the quake struck at 2:55 p.m. local time, but lifted it 40 minutes later.
印尼官方Antara通讯社报导称,在Cianjur附近的一个村庄里,约有30人被困在泥石流造成的岩石和泥土下。Cianjur距离印尼首都雅加达东南约97公里的地方。在雅加达,地震造成很多高层建筑摇晃,数千名恐慌的办公室员工逃到了街上。印尼有关部门说,首都雅加达市内及周边地区至少有27人受伤。印尼卫生部发言人Rustam Pakaya表示,大部分人受的是轻伤。
地震发生于印尼当地时间下午2点55分。印尼地震局(Bureau of Meteorology)随后很快通过当地电视台发布了海啸警报,不过40分钟后又解除了警报。
冰岛的status quo:
Iceland's coalition government联合政府(可能是多党) crumbled (政府垮台,其他表达如: fall, collapse, failure,bring down和disrupt为被动用法)today, further exacerbating(恶化=worsen, deteriorate)the bankrupt country's efforts to recover from the worldwide economic crisis. Iceland's three main banks were declared bankrupt and were nationalized. The value of Iceland's currency, the krona克朗, decreased 75%.
Iceland's coalition government collapsed after Prime Minister Geir Haarde's Independent party and its coalition partners, the Social Democratic Alliance party, failed to reach agreement on a transfer of the prime minister post to the SDA. Iceland's Foreign Minister Ingibjorg Gisladottir, who heads the Alliance party, is expected to initiate talks with the opposition parties immediately in an effort to form. a coalition government to run Iceland until May's scheduled elections.
Last week, riots erupted in bankrupt Iceland over rising costs and an ineffectivegovernment response to the economic crisis. 8,000 Icelanders turned out for a protest, calling for Prime Minister Geir Haarde's immediate resignation, the dissolution of Parliament,解散议会 a new constitution, and an investigation into any wrongdoing that might underlie(bring about,incur) bankrupt Iceland's economic woes. Last week's protest, the largest in Iceland's history, prompted the Prime Minister to set the election for May 9 and promise not to run for re-election. But disgruntled (disatisfied)Icelanders were unhappy with the May date and called for the Prime Minister's immediate ouster(stepdown). Iceland's Commerce Minister Bjorgvin Sigurdsson resigned two days before Haarde announced his plans to resign.
Unemployment in bankrupt Iceland jumped 45% from November to December 2008, with 4.8 percent of the population now unemployed. This month the umeployment rate jumped to 7%, according to The Independent. 40% of Icelandic households are technically bankrupt, the Irish Times reported, while a whopping 70% of Iceland's companies are bankrupt.
可见目前冰岛的public outcry已经非常严重了,整个国家也是on the brink of falling.
下面一篇是Reuters比较的coverage, 需要对该国的央行进行大刀阔斧的调整和重组:
REYKJAVIK, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Senior members of Icelandic political parties trying to form.
a new coalition said on Wednesday they were making progress and one of their first tasks
would be to overhaul the central bank board of governors(央行行长).
The head of the central bank, David Oddsson, has been vilified("诋毁",相似的有slander, disparage, defame) in local media and by angry
protesters, who complain he did not do enough to stave off (avoid)a financial crisis which has
ruined the island's economy.
"It is clear that one of the first things that this government will do is to replace the
governors of the central bank," said Johanna Sigurdardottir, a prominent member of the
Social Democratic Alliance (SDA) who served as social affairs minister in the outgoing
Iceland's president asked SDA leader Ingibjorg Gisladottir this week to form. a new
government. She is widely expected to form. a coalition with the Left-Greens, whose
popularity has surged in the wake of the financial meltdown.
Gisladottir, who has said she would be taking a leave of absence as she recovers from
recent surgery, held talks through the day on the makeup of a new cabinet. She has proposed
Sigurdardottir as a possible prime minister.
Outgoing Prime Minister Geir Haarde resigned this week under pressure from a series of
protests, some of which turned violent. "Discussions are going very well," Left-Green leader Steingrimur Sigfusson said during a break from the talks.
"I don't see anything big that we might disagree on in a way that might break up our attempts to form. a government coalition with the Social Democratic Alliance," he told reporters.
He later told Reuters that replacing the central bank leaders was vital.
"We're pretty outspoken in this regard. A similar shuffle to the one that took place in
the Financial Supervisory Authority needs to take place in the central bank. That is one
of our top priorities."
A Left-Green party official said the negotiations were unlikely to be concluded until Thursday afternoon, allowing a new government to take over the reins on Friday.
Leaders of both parties have said they hope to have a deal ironing out(eliminate, wipe off/out, remove) their differences ready by the weekend.
The parties need to find common ground on many issues, including whether to apply to join the European Union.
The Left-Greens are more cautious about EU membership than the Social Democrats. The
parties broadly agree a referendum(poll, ballot) is needed on beginning EU accession talks but have yet to address when such a vote could be held.
The issue is further complicated by the timing of early general elections, which the president has suggested could come between April and June.
Sigfusson has also called for a renegotiation of the terms of a multi-billion-dollar loan tailored by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He said on Wednesday that IMF officials were due to come to Reykjavik in mid-February.
In the 1990s, Iceland built a booming financial industry, which collapsed in October under the weight of billions of dollars of debt accumulated in an aggressive overseas expansion, leaving the north Atlantic island's economy in tatters.(the underlying reason behind the fact)
The economy is expected to contract by as much as 10 percent this year and its dismal state
was underlined(forecasted) on Wednesday when data showed annual inflation, fuelled by the collapse in the value of the currency, nearing 20 percent. (Reporting by Kristin Arna Bragadottir;
writing by Adam Cox and Niklas Pollard; editing by Angus MacSwan)