
2025-03-09 12:08:25

Hey,sorry for my not giving you a reply promptly.
Please forgive my mistake,perphaps I forget about the delivery of category No.02 & No.05. If they don't reach you , I will pay back your money. We have sent 2 No.81s to you on 27th of this month. Here is the number for you to check.
Recently styles of long sleeve shirts are few . I believe there will be a large stock not long after.

Hey,I wish you could pay through palpay in which way I may save some trading fee.
Are you in need of long sleeve shirts?(正常应该用电报的。不过忘了不少)


Hey, I'm sorry did not get back to you promptly.
Please excuse my mistakes, and perhaps no.02 and no.05 forget shipping, if you have not received I will give you a refund
2 No.81, we have been shipped on the 27th, which is the query number **.
Long-sleeved shirt styles recently very little period of time there will be a few large stocks.
Hey, I hope you will be able to palpay payment to me. So that I can save transaction costs.
Need to do long-sleeved shirt?


Hi,I am sorry that I didn't reply you in time.
Please forgive my mistake. Maybe we forgot to send No.02 and No.05 to you.If you won't receive it,I will give you a refund.
We have shipped 2 pieces No.81 in the 27th, the Tracking No. is **.
Recently, there is a little styles of long-sleeved shirt,it will have a large stores in the near future.
Hi, I hope you can pay me via paipay, so that it can save the transaction fees.
Do you need long-sleeved shirt?


Hi, I'm sorry you didn't reply.
Please forgive my mistake, perhaps. 2002 and 2005 - forget delivery, if you have received my will refund you
2-81 we in 27 has already been shipped, this is the query number * *.
Recently, the design seldom long-sleeved shirt again over time will have a large inventory.
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Hi, I hope you can give me palpay through payment. So I can save transaction cost.
Need long-sleeved shirt?
