建议从词缀那本开始 从1000核心词汇开始 把5000的级别的先掌握 然后是10000级别的 然后是更高级别的 两本书的作用不一样的 一个是词根方面记忆 一个是词缀方面 两本的很多内容也是不重复的 部分重复是方便背诵 增强自信心啊。
建议你用铅笔 把会的单词打个勾 这样 慢慢积累就是了 估计来个两三年 应该阅读量上去了
除此之外 建议有广泛泛读的习惯 比如 从3k的词汇量的改编小说开始 然后5000词汇量的 这些 床头灯系列的不错
再往上 你的阅读范围就宽多了
我的口语就是跟这家老师学习提高的,1:1的授课方式,我都是工作.好.下班九点后才回家上线e线英语,夫下英语中心上课,现在我也学的差不多了。语感慢慢的培养起来了,语法运用的也还不错,感觉还不错哦,你也行的,加油!首先这两个字典功能不一样啊,英语词典是查单词用的,词根词典主要是用来帮组背单词的。我想你说的韦氏词根字典就是那本绿色的Vocabulary Builder吧说实话 那本书非常非常的好我从准备TOEFL的第一天开始就放在桌子上而且虽然是原版书介也可以接受(RMB0-0左右)柯林字典我以前也用过,其实字典这个东西好坏怎么来界定呢?不管怎么说 韦氏字典(大字典)对学英语(美语)的人来说就是权威如果你有购买柯林或者牛津或者剑桥抑或是Langman的意图的话强烈推荐Webster!!!
i have ones,but i decided to put them aside for my writing teacher who is the headmaster of the XINDONGFANG language school said they were useless but waste your time and energy.however he suggested the best way is reading quantities of english novels~and look up the new words yourself or just guess the meaning of each .in this way not only can you command of large vocabulary but also have capability of how to take advantage of them properly.
when you think it's the time to test yourself,you could try to study your vocabulary books .actually,you may find the words are so familiar with you that it will not cost you much time to through it.and i will be happy to see that day to come depending on your totally patient as well as hard-working.
good luck~