Happy Wife, Happy Life

2025-03-06 22:22:07

A recent study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that men who are unhappily married may still be happy with their lives overall — as long as their wives are satisfied with their marriages.

That is to say: A wife's happiness in the marriage has the power to overtake a husband's marital unhappiness to make his overall life quite pleasant.

That was the finding that makes people say, ‘Happy wife, happy life.’ But it cuts the other way, ‘Miserable wife, miserable life.’

Husbands and wives are socialized to handle the ups and downs of marriage differently.

Study finds that Women’s happiness didn’t seem to be affected by husbands’ satisfaction with their marriages.

Probably one reason is that that if a man is unhappy in the relationship but the wife is happy, she’s more likely to provide him benefits that enhance his overall life — she’ll engage in sexual relations, provide emotional support and take on household chores.

On the other hand, wives generally have no idea if husbands are happy with marriages or not because men aren’t socialized to discuss feelings, good or bad.

If a marriage is good, it often is due to the stuff the wife is doing, the love and support that she’s giving".

Wives in the generation surveyed tended to take on more housework, like food preparation and household chores, with 59 percent of their activities taking place in the home.  

Also a spouse’s illness only affected women’s happiness and had no effect on the life satisfaction of men. This is because women tend to take on caregiving responsibilities for husbands while husbands generally let friends or children tend to wives who were ill.

Clearly, the scales are often tipped in the husband’s favor when it comes to partner support.

The problem with this imbalance and discrepancy in marital satisfaction is that it’s not the best recipe for a sustainable relationship.

Husband  and wives take the time to talk about what are bad and good in their marriage regularly so that they’re on the same page.