In Tokyo, a city located in the West, National Shrine, there are three men suspected of secret talks. Suddenly there is a shadow of a man wearing a mask the emergence of Japanese knives and bows and arrows to kill the three men in an instant; with this incident at the same time, Osaka, Kyoto, have also taken place in the killings. After investigation the police found five people killed were found in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, the three places, specialized to steal the famous Buddha statues and works of art theft Group "Genji firefly" members. This group of Japanese history, the tragedy of the most famous generals - the source of the story of Yoshitsune, "meaning by the mind," the name of a pseudonym Summit "Yoshitsune" men are "Benkei", led by their own family name of proportionality.
On the other hand, with Conan小五郎, Xiao-Lan and the garden came to Kyoto. Eight years ago, is located in Kyoto, the ancient temples - Temple Hill to a national treasure of the Buddha have been stolen, the abbot of the monastery commissioned piece can be read to determine their hiding place of the mysterious statue of the portraits, which were invited to help小五郎. Conan suspected theft by the Group of Buddha is "Genji firefly" by the burglary, the incident began to progress in the direction of crack. However, just after he arrived, the legend of Benkei historical spread - Kyoto's most famous bridge of five investigations, a man armed with a sudden attack shinai!
Conan of the moment escaped the attack, to see the man was very surprised at the post. Kudo man was with a new western high school students said Detective - Heiji Hattori, at the same time is one of the few know that a new Conan Kudo is one of the characters. He is also in order to trace the theft took place in Osaka, killing members of the Group to reach the truth and Kyoto, always in rivalry with the Conan Heiji that the incident in order to find out the truth, even the decision to proceed with the investigation, but the two Sedino thought that the shadow masked men had appeared in front of them!
Kyoto in the densely populated crossroads of history hidden in the shadow of the puzzles and traps to attack a pedestrian Conan! Events difficult, delicate reasoning, friendship, love and the main role of full到齐! Conan's body and finally ... ...
Conan has collapsed back into a new generation for the ping times go to save and leaves the body when支持不住flee in the way down the mountain to meet with Portland, the two hugged tightly.
Although the two embrace Xinlan FANS screaming moved so many, but the feelings of the movie plays more like the protagonist is flat and leaves with the two别别扭扭in the end, finally understand Heiji said repeatedly that their first love Valentine's is and leaves.
Generally speaking, this movie might well be described as "magnificent" word.
东京では、市の西、国立神社に位置する3つの男性の秘密交渉の疑いがあります。突然、ある男は一瞬のうちに、男性3人を杀すために日本刀と弓と矢の出现は、マスク着用の影され、同じ时间、大阪、京都で、今回の事件で、杀人でも行われている。警察の调査の结果、 5人を东京、大阪、京都、 3つの场所は、有名な仏像やアート窃盗グループ"源氏ホタル"のメンバーの作品を盗むのに専门的で発见されたが死亡が见つかりました。日本の歴史のこのグループは、最も有名な将军の悲剧-义経の物语の筋は、 "心の意味は、 "サミット"义経"男性"弁庆" 、比例自分の家族の名前が主导しているの名前はペンネーム。
その一方で、コナン小五郎、暁兰や庭园で京都に来た。 8年前、京都に位置し、国宝の仏像の古代寺院-神殿の丘は、作品のために招待された小五郎の肖像画、雕像の神秘的な隠れ场所を决定するために読むことができるのは、修道院委托ゅうどういんちょう盗まれている。コナンは、グループ仏像の窃盗の疑い"源氏ホタル"は、强盗では、事件の亀裂の方向に进行を开始しています。しかし、直后には、歴史的な広がり弁庆の伝说- 5つの调査は、男は突然の攻撃で武装shinai京都で最も有名な桥に到着!
京都の歴史は、パズルやトラップの阴で、歩行者を攻撃するには、隠しコナンの人口密度の高い交差点で!イベント难しく、微妙な推论、友情、爱がいっぱいの主な役割到齐!コナンの体を最后に... ...
コナンバックは、 ping回のための新しい世代に保存されたものに移动し、ダウン时には山支持不住ポートランドと会谈し、逃げるように体の叶が崩壊している、この2つをしっかりhugged 。
god bless u