
2024-12-26 00:11:35

pare area areca,pair hair hairstorm ,sea pear each, bee see eel.hear pear earache,irak iran iraqi ,too oodles oof,oud out ounce,owe own owl,annoy boy joy ,door more orster ,our your journey,


air: hair pair aircraft
ea: pea tea head
ee: see pee meet
ear: hear dear pear
ir: air hire tire
oo: look tool food
ou: house out our
ow: own how cow
oy: boy toy joy
or: horse poor bore
ur: fur burn our
ck: duck buck suck
th: the they this
sh: she shall fish
ph: phone photo phrase
wh: who which what
ch: check chair touch


含ee: see feet meet;含oo: food foot fool


air:hair fair pair
ea:sea pea mean
ear:near bear year
ir:air sir mirror
ou:our you ours
ow:cow low how
oy:joy boy roy
or:for nor corner
th:the this that
sh:she shall shine
ph:phone telephone
wh:what which where
ch:chat china chinese
ck:dick back pack
ur:fur our pour
are:care fare ware


harebell career careful
hair fair airport
tea eat earth
tee free tree
hear earth earl
ira iran iraq
book hoom tooth
tough touch our
low flow drown
joy toy floyd
actor orange oracy
usurp uralic curare
fuck suck chuck
there this these
ship shirt sheep
phone philip photo
what when why
chat child childhood