mother
is
a
good
for
her
chind.
my
mother
has
long
and
black
hair.her
has
black
and
big
eyes.everymoring
,my
mother
always
cook
breafast
with
me
,everyevening
she
often
stays
with
me.for
a
time
,she
mad
with
me,I
know
,my
mother
is
hope
become
outstanding.
thank
you
mother
,Thanks
you
to
my
relations,
taking
care
of
me
.You
happiness
bitter
妈妈是一个对她孩子非常好。我的母亲有又长又黑的头发。她有黑色的和大眼睛。
每天早上,我妈妈总是跟我煮早餐,每天晚上,他总陪着我。
有一段时间,她很生我的气,我知道,我的母亲是希望我更优秀。谢谢你妈妈,
谢谢你我的关心,你对我的照顾我。你幸苦了!