昨日**** 来函告知了您的联系邮箱,我们就立马写信与您,以便说明情况,解除误会。
Incoming letter yesterday * * * * have informed a mailbox of your connection, we write a letter right away immediately and you, misunderstand to explain condition , remove. Words accepting if our product and price give way to expensive Fang Neng , give us a response in time please. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * * say the expensive square government mailbox has put up a problem , can renovate soon if only can * * *. If being able to receive letter , ask inform of our expensive square telefacsimile, MSN or SKYPE, for the purpose of timely exchange.
Sincere hope and expensive method work together!
Yesterday * * * * you inform us, we will contact with you immediately to write, remove misunderstanding.
If our product and price you can accept, please give us the response. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * *
Listen to * * *, your official mailbox amiss, wish I could soon. If you can receive letters, please inform us of your phone, fax, MSN or so, communication. SKYPE
Incoming letter yesterday * * * * have informed a mailbox of your connection, we write a letter right away immediately and you, misunderstand to explain condition , remove. Words accepting if our product and price give way to expensive Fang Neng , give us a response in time please. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * * say the expensive square government mailbox has put up a problem , can renovate soon if only can * * *. If being able to receive letter , ask inform of our expensive square telefacsimile, MSN or SKYPE, for the purpose of timely exchange. Sincere hope and expensive method work together!